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president of the ioc中文是什么意思

用"president of the ioc"造句"president of the ioc"怎么读"president of the ioc" in a sentence


  • 国际奥委会主席


  • The mayor of the host city will give the flag to president of the ioc , and president will hand it to the mayor of the next host city
  • After the athletes join in the main olympic stadium in celebration , the president of the ioc invites the athletes and spectators to meet again at the site of the next games
  • In the ceremony , the representative of the last host city hands in the flag to the president of the ioc , then he passes it to the mayor of the host city
  • Ioc staff attending the event include hein verbruggen , president of the ioc co - ordination commission , and bocog executive vice presidents liu jingmin , wang wei , jiang xiaoyu , li binghua and yang shuan
  • However , coubertin was not discouraged and on 23 june , 1894 he finally founded the international olympic committee ( ioc ) in paris . demetrius vikelas from greece became the first president of the ioc
    但是顾拜旦并没有灰心,终于,在1894年6月23日国际奥委会( ioc )于法国巴黎成立,希腊人维凯拉斯成为国际奥委会的第一任主席。
用"president of the ioc"造句  
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